The St. Francis of Assisi School Leadership Council is beginning work in the 2024-2025 academic year. The Council merges the prior Board of Education and the Home & School organization and will now oversee the educational programming, fundraising and development, and volunteer activities at the school. The Leadership Council is composed of a maximum of thirteen parishioners and the Pastor.
Open Leadership Council meetings are held the second Thursday of each month from 6:30 – 8:00 pm in the Middle Conference Room at the Church. If you wish to contact Leadership Council members, please email
2024-2025 Leadership Council Members
Pastor Joe Pins
Steve Craig (Chair)
Brenda Pedersen (Vice Chair)
Mollie Mertens (Secretary)
Mari Lewis (Treasurer)
Phil Stover (Communications Director)
Becky Baker (Fundraising & Development Director)
Jennifer Tracey (Volunteer Coordinator)
William Downs (At-Large)
Andrew Phillips (At-Large)
Adam Mullinax (At-Large)
Michael Perrin (At-Large)
2024-2025 Leadership Council Budget
All meetings of the Leadership Council are open unless designated as executive/closed session. If a non-Council member wishes to address the Leadership Council during Open Forum, the person must contact the Chairperson at at least one week prior to the meeting to seek approval. The request must include the exact nature of the issue/concern to be addressed and any supporting materials to be presented. Please note that those requesting Open Forum must first work to address concerns or complaints with the proper school administration (following the St. Francis of Assisi School Grievance Policy). This must be done prior to addressing the Leadership Council.