ALL CARS MUST DISPLAY A LAST NAME SIGN (include all in your carpool) on the dash or visor.
Please use large font.
DROP OFF/PICK UP according to the youngest student in your car/carpool. You will use this location all year, even if your youngest rider is not at school on any given day.
Drop off – be sure student(s) are ready to get out immediately when you stop. Hugs and kisses need to be done prior to this time. If your child is not ready to exit the vehicle, you will need to drive through car line again as not to hold others up and make them tardy.
Pick up – Students will be waiting in their designated areas after school (according to the youngest student in your car/carpool).
There are 6 different areas for drop off and pick up:
Green – Permission Parking (North) is used for vehicles that are pre-approved to park through administration or where staff has asked people to park for various reasons as car line is going.
Purple – K, 2nd (North) – Enter the lot from Woodland, North of the school, in the entry next to the playground. Turn right. Make 2 lines, then go every other one as you turn an immediate left at the roundabout. Turn a full left (like a U-turn) and drive single file alongside the length of the building. As you pull forward for drop off and for pick up stay to the right. Once you have dropped off your student(s) in the AM or picked up your student(s) in the PM, you can pull into the open left lane, Do this cautiously as children are entering and exiting cars in the right lane, then turn left towards Woodland Ave (by the playground) and exit the parking lot.
Orange – 4th, 5th (Northwest)- Enter the lot from Woodland, North of the Church, in the entry by the roundabout. There are two lanes of traffic as the cars move West, then go to every other one as you ready for the turn to the left so you’re in a single line as you drive the lot next to the church. As you pull forward for drop off and for pick up stay to the right. Once you have dropped off your student(s) in the AM or picked up your student(s) in the PM, you can pull into the open left lane, Do this cautiously as children are entering and exiting cars in the right lane, then turn left (just before the roundabout) towards Woodland Ave and exit the parking lot.
Red – Preschool (Southwest)– Enter the lot from 72nd Street, West of the Church. Drive into the Preschool parking area and park. Preschool parents walk into the Preschool area of the building to get their child(ren). After you have your Preschooler(s), if you have older students, please wait in your car and the older students will walk to you in the Preschool Parking, or you can get into another car line. Once you have picked up your student(s) you can pull out and go towards the roundabout, then directly to the Ashworth Road exit.
Yellow – 1st, 3rd (South)- Enter via the Eastern-most entry on Ashworth Road. Turn immediately to the left and form 2 lines. Vehicles in both lines will alternate to make the turn by the roundabout, merging into one single lane to head East into the pick up lane. For drop off and pick up, there is one line in the left lane. Once you have dropped off or picked up your student(s) you can pull into the right lane, (Do this cautiously as children are entering and exiting cars in the right lane), drive forward, turn right and leave from the same point you entered the lot on Ashworth Road.
Blue – 6th, 7th, 8th (Southwest)- Enter the lot from 72nd Street, West of the Church. Immediately turn right. Form 2 lines. Once you reach the light pole the 2 lines merge to one line. That single line drives to the left side of the parking lot to drop off students or to pick up waiting students who are on the left side. Once you have your student(s) dropped off or picked up you can pull into the right lane and exit the lot, right, to Ashworth Road.
Before School
- Older siblings should be dropped off at the youngest sibling’s unit doors.
- Once students have exited the car and walked to the main school building, they’ll proceed to the gymnasium or gym hallway (depending on their grade) where staff will be monitoring students.
- Middle School students will be allowed to move upstairs for the day at 8:10. K-5 students will be allowed to move to their classrooms for the day at 8:15.
After school
- Students are to go directly outside and wait in their designated area.
- ALL students must walk outside to their car line areas and not walk through the church hallways. They our allowed to walk through the parish halls on days we are holding indoor car line due to weather.
All students are to be off the school grounds within fifteen to twenty minutes unless participating in a supervised school activity. If students must wait longer for a ride, school officials must be notified. Students on the school grounds after 3:30 will be sent to the office and if parents cannot be contacted, students will be sent to Kids Care and charged fees. Students waiting for rides will NOT be permitted access to playground equipment.
If it is necessary for a student to remain after school for academic or disciplinary reasons, he/she will call parents before classes are dismissed.