Allie Henke
Middle School Religion/Social Studies
Cecelia Groah
Middle School ELA
Grant Holben
Middle School Science/Math
Holly McFarland
Middle School English and Language Arts; Reading support
Jessie Cline
Middle School Math
Megan Howell
Middle School Writing
Megan Schraeger
Middle School Religion
Pete Hunter
Middle School Social Studies
Todd Hilton
Middle School Science

6th Grade
The Sixth Grade year is filled with multiple ways to deepen your child’s’ faith and relationship with religion. A few ways we will be extending your child’s faith journey is as follows: daily classroom prayer, weekly adoration, weekly mass attendance, and a focus on Saint Francis in the month of October. There will also be a grade level service project and a mission day fundraiser.

 7th and 8th Grade
The Seventh and Eighth Grade years are filled with multiple ways to deepen your child’s’ faith and relationship with religion. A few ways we will be extending your child’s faith journey is as follows: daily classroom prayer, weekly adoration, weekly mass attendance, and a focus on Saint Francis in the month of October. There will also be a grade level service project and a mission day fundraiser.


6th Grade
Within the classroom setting, students will be provided an encompassing curriculum. Students will be given instruction in religion, reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies. Our goal is to educate students while helping them grow their faith. We will provide them with ways to become critical thinkers.

7th and 8th Grade
Within the classroom setting, students will be provided an encompassing curriculum. Students will be given instruction in religion, reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies. Our goal is to educate students while helping them grow their faith. We will provide them with ways to become critical thinkers.


6th Grade
Sixth Graders will learn how to use critical thinking in all areas of learning, including their emotional and social development. Students will work towards becoming avid decision makers, problem solvers, experimenters, and investigative thinkers.

7th and 8th Grade
Seventh and Eighth Graders will learn how to use critical thinking in all areas of learning, including their emotional and social development. Students will work towards becoming avid decision makers, problem solvers, experimenters, and investigative thinkers.

Special Activities

6th Grade
A Sixth Grade highlight is March Mammal Madness and a World Fair Exhibition. Students develop their research, reading, writing, technology and art skills while learning about different mammals. This month-long event provides healthy competition and fun memories for students! Other school favorites include field trips, guest speakers, religious and academic projects based on our curriculum content.

7th Grade
A highlight is March Mammal Madness. Students develop their research, reading, writing, technology, and art skills while learning about different mammals. This month-long event provides healthy competition and fun memories for students! Another highlight of the year is when students develop practical financial skills and put them into practice at Junior Achievement Finance Park. Other school favorites include field trips, guest speakers, and religious and academic projects based on our curriculum content.

8th Grade
Students have many memorable and exciting highlights throughout their last year at St. Francis! Students start out the fall with a field trip to remind students of one of our values: service. Students spend an afternoon serving at Meals for the Heartland with their peers. Some highlights that are unique to 8th graders are designing class shirts, the 8th-grade diocesan-wide dance, and kindergarten buddies. Throughout the course of the year, 8th-grade students work hard to show their buddies what it looks like to be reverent in Mass, travel quietly in the halls, and build positive relationships. Other school favorites include field trips, guest speakers, and religious and academic projects based on our curriculum content.