
St. Francis of Assisi School Enrichment Program 


Teachers at St. Francis of Assisi School are charged with the task of providing educational programming within a Catholic environment that meets the unique needs of all students–including those who are identified as gifted–those students who possess outstanding abilities and are capable of high performance.  The mission of the enrichment program is to assist teachers in this endeavor as well as provide enrichment opportunities for all students to help maximize their potential.  

We believe that…

  • meeting the needs of gifted students is a collaborative effort between administrators, classroom teachers, the enrichment program teacher, support staff, parents and the students
  • gifted learners need opportunities to explore interests and passions to help with talent development
  • the use of a variety of assessments is an integral part of determining a student’s instructional level and educational needs
  • gifted learners need differentiated curriculum and instruction that includes appropriate pace and increased rigor
  • it is important to recognize and respond to unique social and emotional needs of gifted students
  • all students can benefit and grow from enrichment opportunities


Students can be identified as “gifted” and receive direct services/modified programming at any grade but the formal identification of students is typically done in grades 3 – 8.  This is done for the purposes of instructional support, not permanent labeling.  The basis for support is the student’s relative need for a program which goes beyond the regular curriculum.  Students will be identified on the basis of a varied combination of the following:

  • Achievement Data:  Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP)
  • Ability Test Results:  Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
  • Evidence of gifted characteristic traits as reported by teacher observation
  • Evidence of gifted characteristic traits as reported by parent observation
  • Exemplary student products / portfolio
  • Admission to special groups or programs because of exceptional talent

Parents who feel their child should be considered for direct services can complete and submit the following document to the enrichment program teacher at any time during the school year.

Gifted Traits Observation Form for Parents


If a student is identified and deemed in need of direct service/modified programming, the classroom teacher and enrichment program teacher will work together in communication with the parents to create a written personal education plan (PEP) to meet those needs.  This may include but is not limited to:

  • Differentiated instruction in the classroom
  • Curriculum modification or substitution
  • Regular learning sessions outside of the classroom with other high-ability students
  • Whole class activities with the enrichment teacher
  • Mentorship
  • Independent study
  • Participation in specific enrichment clubs, performances, competitions or programs related to area of giftedness
  • Acceleration in a specific subject area at St. Francis of Assisi School
  • Acceleration in a specific subject area through dual-enrollment at Dowling Catholic High School

Services are reviewed on an on-going basis and adjusted as necessary.


Acceleration involves moving a student through the traditional educational curriculum more quickly.  Although instructional practices such as curriculum compacting and differentiating instruction can provide meaningful educational experiences for gifted students, there are unique situations in which such strategies are insufficient for fulfilling the academic potential of a highly gifted child.  In these situations, subject(s) or grade acceleration may be a consideration.  Typically, acceleration is considered in the subject of math or for whole grade acceleration.


  • Teachers or parents initiate the referral process by completing an acceleration screening form and submitting it to administration or the Enrichment Program teacher.
  • Upon receipt of the referral, the enrichment teacher will process the referral by gathering all pertinent information consisting of test scores, teacher feedback, social maturity, academic achievement and emotional stability. (If out of level tests need to be given, they will be administered as soon as possible.) 
  • The enrichment teacher will assemble a team of evaluators.  This acceleration study team may consist of an administrator, guidance counselor, present and past teacher(s) of the referred student as well as future teacher(s), the referring teacher (if different) and the enrichment teacher.
  • Once the background information is collected, the team will meet to review it and make a determination regarding acceleration.  Factors that will also be discussed and considered include time of school year of the referral, class sizes, schedule, etc. 
  • If parents initiated the referral, they will be notified of the recommendation once a determination is made. 


A student being considered for acceleration should display consistent mastery of grade-level material by evidence of superior grade-level scores (98-99%) and/or end of the year cumulative test results (at least 80% with evidence showing strong knowledge of key skills).  When further evaluated through out-of-level testing, the student should also demonstrate superior skills of one to two grades above his or her current grade placement.  Students considered for acceleration should also routinely demonstrate a high degree of social/emotional maturity, persistence and motivation as noted by parents and school personnel and have a good attendance record.  The Iowa Acceleration Scale instrument will be used in consideration of whole grade acceleration for a student.

Transition Period

If a decision is made for a student to be accelerated, the enrichment teacher will monitor the student’s progress to check for the appropriateness of the acceleration.  If at any time during the course of 30 days after a student has been accelerated the classroom teacher or the parent feels that the acceleration placement is not appropriate, it will be brought to the attention of administration or the enrichment teacher in writing.  Upon receipt of this, the initial acceleration study team will reconvene and review the recommendation to make a further determination regarding the acceleration plan.

Acceleration Referral Form


Students in 7th grade who have consistently demonstrated exceptional academic ability over the years in math, science and/or English may have the opportunity to attend classes at Dowling Catholic High School (DCHS) during their 8th grade year.  The program is designed for students who have shown a significant need for academic acceleration that likely cannot be met at St. Francis of Assisi School.  Prospective students should also be deemed mature enough to handle high school work/requirements. 

Using data and teacher input, St. Francis teachers and the enrichment teacher will recommend to the principal in the late fall those students they would like to be considered for dual enrollment for the following academic year. These students will be invited to take the High School Placement Test in January at DCHS.  There is a fee for prospective dual enrollees to take the HSPT–most recently the cost was $25.

Once the HSPT results are in, staff at Dowling will obtain other test scores including Fall FastBridge Test scores and Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) scores from the previous spring.  All of the test data will be reviewed together by DCHS administration and counselors to determine whether a student is eligible for dual enrollment.  Parents of students who qualify will be notified by DCHS in April.  


All students at St. Francis of Assisi School will receive a form of enrichment through curriculum enhancement experiences with their class.  These enrichment activities are planned for entire classes or subject areas on a regular basis by the Administration, classroom teachers and the St. Francis Curriculum Enhancement Committee.  These activities will include but are not limited to interactive presentations, experiment-type activities, speakers, field trips and cultural events.

Information is gathered through the use of an interest survey given to students in grades 2-8 in the fall as well as test scores in individual subject areas such as science or social studies.  Then based on these results, programs and clubs are continued, formed or brought to St. Francis.  Students are invited to participate or join activities available to them that align with their interests and talents.  Examples of these activities include but are not limited to math competitions, Mock Trial, Quiz Bowl, National History Day, writing clubs and competitions, leadership workshops, drama and music programs and competitions, Battle of the Books, art contests and others.  

Students do not have to be identified to participate in these activities; however, a special effort is made to encourage students who are identified in specific areas to participate in activities aligned with their talent area(s) in an effort towards meeting their educational needs. For example, students who do well in math might be encouraged to represent St. Francis in a mathematics competition.  For more information, please go to the Clubs and Activities tab on the St. Francis website.  

Clubs and Activities
