CTO and DTA Tuition Assistance for 2025-26

CTO and DTA tuition assistance for the 2025-26 school year will begin on February 1, 2025.

Please note the following:

  1. Families will be able to apply for tuition assistance from CTO and from the Diocesan Tuition Assistance Fund (DTA) established with the Ignite Capital Campaign on the same application. As you will note in the chart on the flyer, there are two income maximum levels by family size.  One for CTO (which is 400% of the federal poverty level and below) and one for the DTA (which is 401-500% of the federal poverty level). Families can receive one NOT both awards.
  2. Online applications will open at www.fairapp.com beginning on February 1 and the deadline for submissions is April 15.
  3. Only eight schools used paper applications last year. As a result, we have received a small bulk shipment pf paper applications and will deliver similar quantities used last year to you for this cycle.  Paper applications must be postmarked by April 15.  Paper applications are the least efficient way to apply, and we appreciate everyone’s efforts to promote online applications wherever possible. We can always get more paper forms if needed!
  4. The application fee for the 25-26 school year is $31 per application.  This fee covers the entire family – no matter how many children.  If a family does not have a Visa or Mastercard credit/debit card for the application fee, you may issue a voucher number.  If providing a voucher, your school will be billed by FAIR for the $31 fee, and your school will need to collect the fee from the family.
  5. When applying, families will visit www.fairapp.com and enter the school code 450 and the password 450ddm
  6. We have more than $2 million to award for the coming school year, yet we highly recommend that you encourage families to apply early and submit all their required documents (federal tax returns and other documents) as soon as possible, but for sure before the April 15 deadline.
  7. There is no plan to offer a later round for applications.