Parent Resources


2019/20 Uniform and Spirit Wear Order Deadline is July 1st! Orders will be available for pick up on August 1st at Image Solutions or will be delivered to SFA on School Supply Drop off. Uniform orders can placed throughout the school year with a 3-4 week turnaround time. MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENTS: P.E.Orders must be placed by the July 1st deadline. Only a very limited inventory is available after that date. To ensure your child has the correct size, plus a size to grow into, please order by the deadline. Sizing samples are available at the showroom. Please email prior to visiting and we’ll make sure someone is here to help.

New Spirit Wear is now available online! Proceeds benefit SFA Home & School. A second spirit wear order will be placed by September 15, with delivery in mid-October.

Please contact Terri McIlhon or 515-883-3000 ext. 203 with questions.

Beginning of the Year

2018-19 yearbooks are now available to order! The St. Francis School code is 12546419 and the cost per book is $27.00. Yearbooks will be delivered to school in May.

Please consider sharing candid photos of our students taken at school sponsored events for publication in the yearbook. Send photos to or upload them at (use the activation code SOXMPV).


Medical Forms

Supply Lists


Transportation Reimbursement

List of Public School Districts

Security & Safety

Amazon Smile: Select St. Francis School as your charitable organization, and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases back to us!

Dowling Catholic

Dowling Catholic Band Bash: July 22-26 from 12:30p-2:30p in the Dowling Catholic High School Band Room. Open to Student Musicians of All Skill-Levels Entering Grades 6 – 8 in Fall 2019.

Catholic Football League Registration

Dowling Catholic Summer Athletic Camps: Click on the link for a variety of opportunities.

DCHS Cross Country

DCHS Summer Boys Basketball League.  Click here to sign up.


JA BizTown Summer Camp for Students going into 5th-7th Grade: JA BizTown Summer Camp is an academic camp designed to enhance the camper’s financial literacy skills while infusing entrepreneurship, work and career readiness, team work, marketing, philanthropy and public speaking. This camp has sold out each year, but limited spots remain in June and July. St. Francis families should use the special code JUNE20 to get $20 off the June 10-13 camp. Register here.

Drake Volleyball Camps

Saint Theresa Catholic School Summer STEM CAMP: June 3rd – June 7th,  from 9a-3p.  Click here to sign up.

Summer Tutoring Opportunity

Michael Born Summer Basketball Camp

Drake Bulldog Girls Basketball Camps

Drake Football Youth Camps

Wagner Summer Theater Summer Camps

Faith and Outreach

The Connection Café is a free lunch program that serves the homeless and low income community downtown.

  • On the 3rd Wednesday of each month, a group from St. Francis of Assisi Church, serves a warm meal and brings supplies to the Connection Café.
  • Each month, an email is sent out requesting help. Students can receive service hoursby baking cookies, making the main dish, bagging trail mix, or laundry detergent.

Contact Stacey Dorsey to be added to the e-mail distribution list.
Donate unused hotel toiletries (mini shampoos, soap, lotion, toothpaste, etc.) to either of the GREEN bins outside the school office or in the Gathering Space by the Church.