St. Francis plans to reopen our school on Monday, August 24, 2020.  Our Return to Learn team has been working on plans since May and will continue to do so through the summer.  The key components of the reopening school plans address the health and safety of our students, teachers and staff at school.  It is every person's responsibility to keep our school community safe.  The Return to Learn plans will be posted here throughout the summer.  Please know this is a fluid situation and we will continue to update you as plans are modified.


Reopening Plans - Draft 7/1/2020

Reopening Plan Informational Flyer - 7/1/2020

"Coffee with the Principal" Video pt. 1 - 7/7/2020

"Coffee with the Principal" Video pt. 2 - 7/7/2020

Letter from Superintendent (Spanish translation) - 7/7/2020

Diocese of Des Moines Return to Learn Plan (Spanish translation) - 7/16/2020

Diocese of Des Moines Return to Learn Infographic (Spanish translation) - 7/16/2020

2nd Letter from Superintendent (Spanish translation) - 7/29/2020

Reopening Plans - Draft 8/3/2020

Reopening Plan Informational Flyer - Draft 8/3/2020

August Letter to Families - 8/3/2020

Distance Learning Option Information - 8/3/2020

An Update on the Resumption of School In August During the Pandemic - 8/7/2020